Taiwanese Cyclists in Rimba Ilmu
by Vanessa Ting Above: Anuar, Wana and Hariz of UMCares and Affan of Water Warriors escorted the visitors to Rimba Ilmu. Students and...

Lazy Ecological Solutions
by T.G. Goh Tree planting is a staple of efforts to make environments 'greener'. People expect tree planting to be a part of normal...

The Little Egret
by T.G. Goh Around 10am daily, these white birds (Egretta garzetta) descend onto the watery areas near the centre of the campus, such as...

“Springtime” in Kuala Lumpur: The Penang Sakura
Words and pictures by Benjamin Ong Every once a year (or so) it is “springtime” in Malaysia, when lush seas of green inexplicably...

Pericopsis Hits the Road: Tree Mapping @UM Main Library
by Vanessa Ting A sunny Saturday afternoon was all we needed as the RIMBA team, two Ecowarriors, and the Pericopsis duo got together for...

by T.G. Goh I came across a patch of wildflowers growing along a fence that surrounded a field the other day. It was interesting as that...

Pink-necked Green Pigeon
by T.G. Goh This bird is everywhere on campus, but nobody ever sees it. The Pink-necked Green Pigeon (Trevon vernans) flies short...

The World Cup and the Anthropocene* in a Pocket
by T. G. Goh It's the World Cup and everybody is talking football, so I'm taking the chance as well. There is a very unique habitat in...

The Malesian Frog - big, beefy and Near Threatened
by Vanessa Ting A rather large amphibian, the Malesian Frog, or the Peat Swamp Frog (Limnonectes malesianus) is from the Dicroglossidae...

Okayama Joto High School comes to Rimba Ilmu!
by Benjamin Ong Japan's Oyakama Joto High School sent a delegation of nearly 100 students and a handful of teachers to UM for a short...