Pericopsis Hits the Road: Tree Mapping @UM Main Library
by Vanessa Ting
A sunny Saturday afternoon was all we needed as the RIMBA team, two Ecowarriors, and the Pericopsis duo got together for a bout of tree mapping using This open-source database which utilises citizen science, developed by Dr Jean Weber of UPM, has mapped close to half a million trees worldwide, and we were set to add UM's majestic trees to that list!
We had grand ambitions of mapping out the trees around the UM Main Library and the Faculty of Science. Armed with Googlemap printouts of our designated polygon (area of trees to be mapped out) and a botanist, we split into two groups to record each tree that crossed our paths.

Left, top and bottom: The RIMBA team identifies and measures the diameters of the trees around the UM Main Library. Right: This grand old fig tree defeated our measuring tape!
It wasn't all data-logging, as botanists Dr Khadijah Rambe and Dr Jean Weber regaled us with fascinating did-you-knows about trees. Here's one: did you know that the bright red saga seeds were once used as a measure for gold, because there is little variation in weight? Also, it was the inspiration for Malaysia's flagship Proton Saga!

Left to right: Dr Khadijah teaches Ecowarrior and UM student She Mei about the cones of the Gymnostoma nobile or the Rhu Ronang; Dr Jean and Ecowarrior Bernard search for fungi among the roots of a tree; Dr Khadijah and RIMBA team member Vanessa collect saga seeds.
We then adjourned for buka puasa and an evening of entering data onto the platform; after a hard day's work, a total of 115 trees were mapped! You can view it all here - remember to click on 'Show Trees' to see the trees around the UM Main Library. Click on the individual green tags to see exact locations, species names and tree diameters!

Above: Dr Jean guides She Mei and Bernard as they painstakingly map dozens of trees online.
We still have the trees at the Faculty of Science to go - contact us if you want to join in Part 2 of tree mapping!