the RIMB project
The University
The Principle

There is life on earth besides man, and this life deserves to live. We, humans, the most ‘advanced’ species on earth, endowed with unsurpassed agency, have a moral obligation to protect and promote life on earth in all its richness and diversity.
The Vision

To involve the campus community in greening the campus and collecting and disseminating information on biodiversity, and to inspire in them a deeper sense of appreciation and love for the campus.
To see a campus designed and developed according to ecologically sound principles, with a strong commitment to the conservation and promotion of biodiversity and green spaces.
The University of Malaya (UM), though located in the heart of a city, has nonetheless retained a noticeable expanse of forest (under the purview of Rimba Ilmu, UM’s botanic garden). However, as UM cannot extend outwards, this forest and other ‘green spaces’ (e.g., gardens, courtyards) risk being taken over by buildings and other construction projects.
The Team

As former student volunteers at the University of Malaya, we are doing this because the University matters to us. We are also joined by a vibrant group of student volunteers committed to documenting and exploring biodiversity, as well as celebrate urban nature. We also work with our UM experts in ecology and biodiversity, making their vast knowledge accessible to the public.