Workshop: Conservation of Local Trees in Urban Environments
Jointly organized by Ecowarriors and UMCares:
Date: 28 of JUNE 2014
This open-entry workshop is intended for invited students, Ecowarriors members and public. The first part will illustrate the importance of trees in nature and the man-made environment. The second part addresses the potential of open-data and Web 2.0 to engage public participation for tree conservation. Lastly, participants will be invited to name and map trees on the web platform and to take action on concrete conservation projects.
The action of this workshop is in:
Malaysia’s national policy on biological diversity (NBP)
“Promote and encourage the understanding and participation of the public and Institutions for the effective conservation and protection of biological diversity”
(Strategy 2020 NBP12)
International Aichi Biodiversity target Nagoya 2010:
By 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably”
09:00 Welcome speech (Lecture Hall)
Matthias Gelber – Ecowarrior
09:10 Tree ecology in natural and man-made environments (Lecture Hall)
Dr Jean Weber – Universiti Putra Malaysia
Tree ecology
- Tree natural history
- Carbon and nutrients cycling
- Changing environments and biodiversity
The Dipterocarpaceae family
- Ecology and flowering patterns
- The ectomycorrhizal association
- Conservation status
Ex-situ conservation
- Modified environments and species dynamics
- Habitat corridor and buffer zones
- Identifying natural forests on satellite view (Google map)
09:40 Citizen participation to the conservation of endangered tree species (Lecture Hall)
Dr Siti Khadijah Rambe – Universiti Putra Malaysia
Knowledge and distribution of cultivated species
The Web 2.0 for socially embedded tree conservation: example of
- Coordinating small decisions and social engagement for tree biodiversity
- Linking planted trees with population in nature
Discussion of current and planned public initiatives
10:10 Rimba Ilmu and UMCares projects (Lecture Hall)
Speaker from UMCares: Benjamin Ong and the RIMBA team
10:30 Break.
10:40 “Hands on” tree naming and mapping with (Computer lab)
Dr Jean Weber, Siti Khadijah Rambe.
Participants will be guided and assisted by a team of Ecowarriors members
- recording a polygon
- naming a tree
- mapping a tree
12: 00 End of the workshop